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    Medical mission Burkina Faso 2019


    The non-profit organization OUAGA is a young organization founded by a group of enthusiastic doctors and paramedics with the goal of helping improve orthopedic care in developing countries.

    They do this through intensive cooperation with local colleagues. After all, both education and the requisite local background are crucially important for long-term success. Preparations for the next mission to Ouagadougou in December 2019 are in full swing.

    They do this through intensive cooperation with local colleagues. After all, both education and the requisite local background are crucially important for long-term success. 
    Preparations for the next mission to Ouagadougou in December 2019 are in full swing.

    The OUAGA project Paul VI is the start-up project of the not-for-profit organization and a continuation of the missions by Medics without Vacation in the CMA Paul VI in Ouagadougo. The demand for hip prosthesis surgery arose due to the large number of patients with problems, the significant invalidity caused by hip problems and the major lack of treatment options in Burkina Faso.

    TACK supported this non-profit by donating 10% of each sale to the organization.


    Elisabethlaan 213
    8400 Oostende


    With the support of